Non-GMO status for entire Craft® line

iprona has secured non-GMO certification for its entire Craft® line of fruit extracts, positioning it to help brands appeal to the large number of consumers who are opposed to genetically modified products.

Multiple consumer surveys going back decades have revealed widespread scepticism about genetically modified organisms (GMO) in Europe and the rest of the world. One recent survey found only 25% of people in the UK are willing to purchase fresh fruit produced with biotechnology. ¹

Another global survey run by the Pew Research Center found 48% of consumers, across 20 countries, think genetically modified foods are unsafe to eat. ² In Poland and France, respectively 67% and 54% of people said the foods are unsafe. Across the entire study, only 13% of people said genetically modified foods are safe to eat. In France, just 8% of consumers said the foods are safe to eat.

The extensive evidence that only a fraction of consumers are comfortable buying genetically modified products means brands that use GMOs in their products risk severely limiting their sales. Recognising that, IPRONA has worked to get non-GMO certification for its portfolio of premium fruit extracts.

IPRONA has now secured certification for ElderCraft®, CherryCraft®, CurrantCraft® and AroniaCraft®, its branded line of products that feature standardised and functional polyphenol extracts from elderberry, sour cherries, black currants and aronia. The natural, health-promoting ingredients are suitable for use in food supplements, over-the-counter products, functional foods and beverages.

IPRONA’s ability to guarantee that its extracts are free from GMOs is supported by its fully controlled and traceable European supply chain. To make ElderCraft®, the company sources black elderberries from a farming cooperative in Austria. IPRONA has built a strong relationship with the farmers and its control of all steps in the supply chain, including storage and pre-processing, ensures precise traceability. 

GMOs are organisms whose genetic makeup has been modified using genetic engineering or transgenic technology to create something that does not occur in nature or via traditional cross-breeding methods. Genetic modification now affects many crops, such as corn, potato and soy, that go into products people consume every day.

1.    Heng, Y., Yoon, S. & House, L. Explore Consumers’ Willingness to Purchase Biotechnology Produced Fruit: An International Study. Sustain. Sci. Pract. Policy 13, 12882 (2021).
2.    Kennedy, B. & Thigpen, C. L. Many publics around world doubt safety of genetically modified foods. Pew Research Center (2020).

For further information about our Craft product line, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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IPRONA AG developed and markets CherryCraft® European Tart Cherry Extract as a raw material so companies can produce products containing CherryCraft® European Tart Cherry Extract. Because this website can be accessed from anywhere with Internet connectivity, the information presented here is intended for informational purposes only and does not necessarily satisfy regulatory requirements of all countries. IPRONA AG makes no claims regarding the use of the finished products. All manufacturers and distributors with whom we do business are responsible for ensuring that the claims of their products comply with all regulatory requirements in effect in the locations in which their products are marketed and sold.

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